Sunday 12 October 2008

It's Getting Hot In Here

Today is officially the last day of the man flu. It has to be because tomorrow we're doing an instore at Banquet records in Kingston and as time has it, it now simply has to move on somewhere else. Apologies if it finds you. 
The insomnia's back with a vengeance, got to sleep at 11am. So here are some random thoughts on the environment. I may agree with some, all or none of the words below

When I was a kid it was called pollution,
Car exhaust fumes and cigarettes
Were making the air smell stuffy
Sensationalism read of kids getting asthma.
On Tomorrow's World there were simple solutions-
I remember a cup you fit over the end of your exhaust pipe that caught everything harmful but it never came out.
This was pre-Dragon's Den
'living in central London is the equivalent of smoking 7 cigarettes a day'
And sunbathing too long was giving you cancer
But now
it's back
and it's pissed off.

Coming this Summer
and this ain't about smoking cigarettes anymore,
This is the fucking apocalypse.
Icebergs melting into the sea
And the sea gushing onto the shore and drowning everyone
And the Sun burning holes in the sky and beaming down on us like lazers...
Did you see that film The Day After Tomorrow?
Gshhhhh crashhhhh arghhh!!
They ain't fucking about anymore!
They're REALly pushing the boat out on selling this thing
It's an extremely bleak future
And I'm a little confused. In fact. I'm a lot confused I mean
The Universe is a BIG place
And these are huge giant scientific mathematical equations and problems that will mash up your *** ***** **** ******head****** **** ***** ***
Space is infinite. I can't even begin to comprehend infinite
and we don't really know all that much about it
-Let me get this straight-
I am NOT saying that global warming doesn't exist.
I don't wanna be the guy that said the Earth is flat, that's not my legacy ok!
I'm just saying it's a pretty complicated thing
And it's not about who reads The Guardian or who reads The Mail
It's about infinite galaxies and cycles and things we in fact know very little of other than predictions and guesstimates. 
It's not just cows farting and clouds parting and Sun and ice and meltdown
There's stuff beyond them clouds- we're spinning in lightyears- eternally
We cannot begin to be anymore certain of this than we can of the existence of a God.
It is a question of faith and faith alone.
But I saw The Day After Tomorrow.
And I ain't no dumb motherfucker.
If there's even the tiniest chance of some giant tidal wave crashing through my window in the middle of the city while the Sun burns up my house-
then I am LISTENING to what these green motherfuckers have to say
I'm recycling cans, walking everywhere, taking my own bags to the supermarket, wiping my arse with what feels like Desperate Dan's face
I am not taking any risks!
Cos some people walk through the world saying, I don't believe in global warming,
And they seem to purposely pollute to make some kind of a point,
All the while telling you how you shouldn't believe in it either by regurgitating these bullshit 'facts' that are made up by some company that would conveniently benefit massively from people believing global warming doesn't exist.
Don't you just hate these motherfuckers!
They don't know shit either,
That's the bottom line
Be sceptical of any 'fact' brought to you by anything to do with a company especially one with political weight
There are
-many truths in the wOrld-many cOnflicting-many similar-just many-
And we can't be sure of which one is the right one, or if it is one, or if it is only one
We can only be sure in knowing that
"All we know is that we don't know,
All we know is that we don't know nothing"
Except that it's October and it's fucking hot,


Unknown said...

fantastic ending, itch! :) xx

Annabelle said...

All these years & it escaped my knowledge that you were a little eloquent. Fancy that.

B said...

I read this quote recently and it made me think of this post

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it - even if I have said it - unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. ~Buddha


Ash Victim said...

Here's some lyrics I wrote on the theme of air pollution:

Pumping poisons into the air,
We're killing ourselves like we don't care,
Drowning ourselves in all the oil,
Watch your body drop into the soil.

We're wiping out the human race,
With this ever growing disgrace,
How do we expect to stay alive?
When the air we breathe is suicide.

Will we die or will we survive?
When we die will it be suicide?
Will we live or will we die?

Am I being a paranoid fuck?
Or does the way we're dealing with this suck,
Don't you sense the end is near?
Doesn't that thought fill you with fear?

I'm pretty sure nature will carry on,
When the human race is gone,
We are so insignificant,
We're just a speck of fucking dust.

Will we die or will we survive?
When we die will it be suicide?
Will we live or will we die?
When we die will it be suicide?
Will we live or will we die?